
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sensation - The Experience

I have been following the evolution of Sensation as it has spread furiously throughout the world - a natural offset of my love for EDM and international affairs.  For clarity sake, Sensation is a concept originating in the Netherlands circa 2000, devoted to the art of combining EDM and live theatricals, and has appeared all throughout Europe and South America.  With the rise in popularity of EDM in North America, perhaps we will see a Sensation event in Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, possibly Toronto or Vancouver?  These performances are backed by some of the finest DJ/Producers in the world and consistently pack in over 30,000 per show, easily.

However, it is not the sheer size of these events that interests me.  In fact, I am terribly afraid of crowds, mobs of people in closely packed areas, UGH!  No, what stands out for Sensation enthusiasts like myself, is the production.  What with all the light shows, glow sticks and all that tacky crap you see these days, Sensation manages to make a spectacle of it all, in the most refined way possible.  Quite simply, these productions are the creme de la creme, and worth every penny for the price of admission.

From a DJ/Producer standpoint, Sensation has garnered so much fan attention that the best of the new generation of EDM artists are benchmarking a Sensation performance as a sign of "making it" in the business.  Take a look at what Funkagenda has to say about performing at Sensation.  - See Video

So fixated am I, with Sensation, that I have centered my entire European trip around Sensation Prague.  I hope I can maintain composure amongst such a crowd.  Somehow, I think the music will pull me through.

As Sensation's popularity continues to surge in Europe and various other parts of the world, I do hope that the word will spread here in the good ole US of A.  A Sensation America would be a spectacle for the ages. 

Interview with Funkagenda, his belief in Sensation as a benchmark for "making it" and his experience playing his first Sensation

 Sensation's Newest Theme "Innerspace"  debuting this Summer in Amsterdam.  Sold Out in days.  Expecting over 50,000 for a one night event.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The MC's Hottie of the Week - Emily Blunt

This starlet has steadily risen through the ranks of Hollywood, conquering both sides of the pond with relative ease.  Her latest role, starring alongside Matt Damon in The Adjustment Bureau, only solidifies her position amongst the brightest of the new Hollywood A- listers.  And those trademark lips on this British import? - you stare at them long enough you might wet your knickers.  Ms. Emily, and so say all of us, you sinfully leave one clamoring for more of you and you alone.  You may have my $12.00, see you on the big screen.  


B.O. Proves His Birthright - You've Been Trumped.

via Huffington Post:

On Wednesday morning, the White House released President Barack Obama's long form birth certificate.  The document indicates that Obama was born in the state of Hawaii and thus is eligible to serve as president. The release comes in the wake of some raising skepticism over his place of birth.
The president is expected to address the disclosure at 9:45 a.m. ET. Below, an image of the document put out by the White House.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sander Kleinenberg - This is... Glow at Lima Thursday

For all you relative newbies on the EDM scene, if you want to check out a DJ/Producer who does things a little bit different by incorporating live self-created visuals into his performance, then head downtown to the underground at Lima.  A break from the norm, you will find what you are looking for.

The Master of the Photograph

I consider myself to be a fairly cultured chap.  That is not to say I am an expert on the subject I am about to cover, what I can tell you is that I can spot talent in any form it takes, whatever the vehicle, genre.  For me, spotting immediate talent is as simple and surprising as a slap in the face - an embarrassing wake up call letting me know all humans are not created equal.  Whenever I spot talent out and about I have a tendency to want to expose it, publicize it, push it.  As if talent is wasted when gone unnoticed - it is our duty to share it with the world, yes?

I always had a fascination with photography and I often compare it to EDM (electronic dance music).  Let daddy break it down for you.  Not to take anything away from the art itself, as the images shown certainly garner significant praise, but historically, photography has gotten a bad rap for being a secondary art form, i.e., the final piece created is not produced organically, but rather it is a copy, an image of something else created or existing.  Electronic music is similar in the sense that the sounds created are synthesized, or simply copies of sounds produced by playing instruments.  However, in as much as the perfect EDM track is just as celebrated and revered as a song produced with playing instruments, one can see that these photos are more than mere copies, these photos capture the "essence of art."  Yes, a lofty statement indeed...but undeniable.  As previously stated, I know little about the art of photography, but I do know talent, genuine, pristine talent when I see it.  I understand it.  I feel it.

Andrzej Dragan is an artist who I personally believe will go down as one of the most talented, creative photographers of his generation.  And at 33, he is just beginning.  Unquestionably acute, his photographs prove that the vehicle is insignificant when discovering talent - it can come from anywhere, anyplace, anyone.  Who would have thought such talent would come from a professor/ quantum physicist.  A true renaissance man.  I would get to know him if you truly love the arts, if you truly love discovering talent, if you truly wish to be moved.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Return of the Barbarian

Funny thing.  With all the rain we've had recently, decided to watch Conan, the Barbarian and the Destroyer.  Nothing like seeing one of our politicians (ret.) hack shit up on the big screen, real primitive like.  Damn Arnold looked good circa 1982.  F'ing badass.  Anyway, fast forward decades to 2011.  I'm reading an online article (most likely ESPN) and all of a sudden, a film preview pops up.  Whoa.!  And just like that - I am intrigued, like really intrigued.  After all, it is the return of the Barbarian.

 Essentially a remake, this movie certainly took awhile to come to fruition.  But what makes this venture intriguing is the selection of the main character.  Just who in the world could they choose to replace the Terminator?  Sure there are bigger muscle men nowadays and I'm sure they considered finding someone similar to Russell Crowe, but the producers knew they had to find someone raw, primitive, as if he just stepped out of the f'ing woods carrying 50 dead wolves on his back. 

Enter Jason Momoa, and judging from what little they show in the preview, this one will be EPIC.  August 2011.

                                                              Conan the Barbarian 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

World's 1st Major 3D Erotic Movie - the Hong Kong Way


via MY FOX DC: The movie, which its creators billed as "the world's first major 3D erotic movie," packed Hong Kong theaters, with many screenings sold out or nearly sold out, as curious moviegoers paid up to HK$120 a ticket. One theater chain in the city was charging HK$175 a ticket for a small screening room that seats fewer than 20 people.

 The Cantonese-language movie is about a young Ming Dynasty-era scholar who embarks on a journey of sexual self-discovery after leaving his wife. The film -- with its frequent campy humor -- includes scenes of nudity and explicit -- and at times even violent -- sex, which got mixed reactions from audiences.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Swedish House Mafia Masquerade Motel Miami Music Week

It's certainly been one hell of a ride following the evolution of what is now known as the "Swedish House Mafia Phenomenon."  Back on Halloween 2010 in Vegas, I witnessed a siick Masquerade Motel get down and had thought I'd seen the best of them, which is one reason why I decided to side step their lil Saturday afternoon hangout in Miami.  What the fcuk was I thinking?  Look, I have to get to work, but I'll leave you with this video - not meant to show us what we missed, but to signify what's to come.  These guys specialize in creating a musical experience always centering around the zenith of things, the highest of volume, excessive when the rush comes.  Congrats to the Swedes and their band of EDM brothers who drive the sound of the S Haus Mafia.  R.E.S.P.E.C.T. - S.H.M. 4 L.I.F.E.   


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Cut Above - Blending the Old with the New

When an EDM producer adds classical instruments, winds, horns, and my favorite - strings, i.e. (violin, viola, cello, bass), even if it's synthesized, he/she goes up a notch. Like cutting edge European architects, who managed to blend the old with the new, these producers are a cut above the rest.
                                                           Have a listen.  Enjoy the night...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Kardashian Singer

So, the blueprint was set with Paris - famous for being famous, socialite, sex tape, singer, etc. etc.  Enter the new breed.  Kim has certainly followed suit, to a "T".  So, what do we make of her new single?  Yay or nay?  I won't even begin to comment - if you even think this is music, then you have no taste.   But hey, she's got the booty, she's got the face and she has our attention whether we like it or not.  When mama drops it like its hot, the whole world stops.

Consequently, she's applauded for branching out, for spreading her wings - and why not?  Tis the dawning of the "renaissance" woman.  Lil of this, lil of that.  But nay to this track, it's competely W.H.A.C.K. 

                      Still, the baby got some serious back and I've got a few minutes to kill.  Enjoy.