
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sensation - The Experience

I have been following the evolution of Sensation as it has spread furiously throughout the world - a natural offset of my love for EDM and international affairs.  For clarity sake, Sensation is a concept originating in the Netherlands circa 2000, devoted to the art of combining EDM and live theatricals, and has appeared all throughout Europe and South America.  With the rise in popularity of EDM in North America, perhaps we will see a Sensation event in Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, possibly Toronto or Vancouver?  These performances are backed by some of the finest DJ/Producers in the world and consistently pack in over 30,000 per show, easily.

However, it is not the sheer size of these events that interests me.  In fact, I am terribly afraid of crowds, mobs of people in closely packed areas, UGH!  No, what stands out for Sensation enthusiasts like myself, is the production.  What with all the light shows, glow sticks and all that tacky crap you see these days, Sensation manages to make a spectacle of it all, in the most refined way possible.  Quite simply, these productions are the creme de la creme, and worth every penny for the price of admission.

From a DJ/Producer standpoint, Sensation has garnered so much fan attention that the best of the new generation of EDM artists are benchmarking a Sensation performance as a sign of "making it" in the business.  Take a look at what Funkagenda has to say about performing at Sensation.  - See Video

So fixated am I, with Sensation, that I have centered my entire European trip around Sensation Prague.  I hope I can maintain composure amongst such a crowd.  Somehow, I think the music will pull me through.

As Sensation's popularity continues to surge in Europe and various other parts of the world, I do hope that the word will spread here in the good ole US of A.  A Sensation America would be a spectacle for the ages. 

Interview with Funkagenda, his belief in Sensation as a benchmark for "making it" and his experience playing his first Sensation

 Sensation's Newest Theme "Innerspace"  debuting this Summer in Amsterdam.  Sold Out in days.  Expecting over 50,000 for a one night event.

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